Spend a day with Holly Heider Chapple

The Leesburg Garden Club invites you to spend a special day with award-winning floral designer Holly Heider Chapple. Known in the pages of Martha Stewart Weddings and the world over, Holly will have you up to your elbows in beautiful flowers and lead you through the basics of show-stopping floral design.
You do not need to be a professional floral designer or garden club member to participate. This unique and very affordable opportunity is open to anyone who loves flowers. Girl friends’ day out, couples enjoying a together day, brides looking for ideas, everyone is invited.
Holly’s presentation will include making a garland, and you will be invited to join in. She will demonstrate building a large urn arrangement using her “no oasis” technique and work with larger groups to create a seasonal arrangement in a compote. There are other arranging techniques and surprises in store!
The event is held in the beautifully restored bank barn at Riverside on the Potomac in Leesburg, an ideal event location. It serves as a fitting backdrop to Holly’s imaginative andtrend-setting design work.
To start your day, Savoir Fare Ltd. will provide coffee and sweets from their food truck. Vendors selling unique floral and garden items will be available during breaks. There will be raffles and door prizes! The breakfast and a scrumptious box lunch by Savoir Fare is included in the registration fee.
What a great day this will be! But don’t stop there. Make it your first day of a great getaway. Spend Wednesday with Holly. Keep right on going to Thursday and create your own adventure in Loudoun County.
Proceeds from this event will benefit the Leesburg Garden Club beautification projects in Leesburg and Loudoun County. Projects include expansion of the award-winning Native Tree Walk, a collaborative effort between the Leesburg Garden Club and the Town of Leesburg, scholarships for graduating seniors and Nature Camp participants as well support of the gardens at Oatlands Plantation and the George C. Marshall house.
The Leesburg Garden Club is grateful to Holly for providing this exceptional opportunity at a discounted price. The fee is $150 until Tuesday, Sept. 6. After that date, it is $175 if space is available. See link on LeesburgGardenClub.org website for online registration or download printable registration form from the website and mail with check to the address on
the form.