Go Green, Go Run, Go to the Fair, Middleburg!

Story by Peter Leonard-Morgan, Middleburg Town Council Member and Middleburg Go Green Committee Council Representative.
On Saturday March 24th, at 8:00 a.m., in keeping with the character of our lovely town, the Huntmaster will blow his horn to signal the start of the second annual Middleburg 5K run from the Middleburg Community Center. If you are reading this article, hot off the press, you still have time to sign up to take part in the fun at www.middleburg5kfunrun.itsyourrace.com.
If you aren’t in the mood for a 5K, no problem! There will also be a 1-mile fun run plus a dog walk, so there’s something for everyone in this delightful, local social event.
Runners, joggers and fast walkers will enjoy a truly pleasant country experience, starting off running east on Marshall Street and then turning left to take in the inimitable Foxcroft Road with its hills and bends and hedgerows, watched over by our very own Middleburg Police Department with safety being their priority number one. The turnaround will be just before Glenwood Park with the home stretch deviating through the lush grounds of the Salamander Resort, one of the many sponsors
and supporters of the event.

The Middleburg Go Green Committee, in association with Boy Scout Troop 2950, organizes this community occasion in conjunction with its annual Healthy Eating Active Living (H.E.A.L.) “Fit Fun Fair” which kicks off at 9:00 a.m., concluding at 2:00 p.m. in the town Community Center.
The fair is a great place to come and listen to speakers who are experts in various health and fitness fields such as nutrition, exercise and health and wellness. As was the case with last year’s inaugural Expo, there will be some 25 booths from local and nearby providers where visitors can check out the latest technology, obtain proper sneaker fitting and hear all about various ways in which to stay on the right track from a health and
nutrition perspective.
Visitors to the fair also will have the opportunity to take part in sample exercise classes including yoga and physical fitness/strength training, while Inova Health will be on hand with their high tech mobile health unit to provide complimentary screenings and blood pressure check-ups.
There is no fee to enter and browse, chat and listen, and we hope that many of our citizens, locals and not so locals, will join in for this fun, informative and rewarding day and gain inspiration into new ways to stay on top of their health.
See you all on March 24th! ML