New Town Treasurer Sounds Right on the Money

By Heidi Baumstark
Ashley Bott, Middleburg’s new town treasurer, is no stranger to small towns.
Bott has always embraced the culture of small-town living, having been raised in Calvert County, Maryland, just two blocks from the Chesapeake Bay. Currently, she lives in another small town, Strasburg, about 40 miles west of Middleburg, with her husband, Joey, and their three-year-old son, Owen.
Plus three dogs.
“They were my fur babies before Owen,” she said.
The Botts moved to Strasburg last April. Joey grew up there and Ashley spent many weekends in Strasburg visiting her own family members. In 2007, she graduated with a degree in finance from George Mason University.
“I worked full time while earning my degree,” said Bott, who joined the Middleburg town office in January. “It was the hardest thing I did, but I’m so glad I did it.”
Now her hobbies include going to the gym for some “mommy-only time.” Otherwise, she spends most of her free time doing anything and everything to keep a three-year-old busy.
Prior to her new position in Middleburg, Bott worked as a comptroller for a small engineering firm in Chantilly. Before that, she had worked in the private sector in customer service since the age of 16, including a job in a Giant Food pharmacy.
Now that she’s more in the public sector, “I want to grasp all I need to know in this challenging position,” Bott said. “I’ll focus on what benefits the town.”
Part of that includes studying the town code, understanding the water billing system and day-to-day operations, including learning the software system. Other projects involve getting budgets in place and studying Virginia laws and how they apply to Middleburg.
Pearson, Middleburg’s economic development coordinator, said she’s delighted to have Bott on board. Pearson grew up in Middleburg and has worked for the town since 2006, moving into her current position in 2008. She also handled some of the treasurer’s duties until Bott was hired.
“Being a small office, we do a lot of things,” Pearson said. “I’m glad Ashley’s here. She’s got a great personality and is a great addition.”
Bott said, “I’m trying to get out and introduce myself to meet local business owners on a personal level so they know they can come in and talk with me. I like going to the town bakery and other shops. I plan to do more visiting as the weather gets warmer, and now there’s the new chocolate shop down the street.”
The Town of Middleburg operates under the council-manager form of government. The Town Council represents the citizens of Middleburg, acting on their behalf regarding local, regional, state, and federal matters. The Council consists of eight individuals who are elected at-large: seven council members (who serve four-year terms) and one mayor (who serves a two-year term). All town staff positions and members on various boards and commissions are appointed by the Town Council, which meets the second Thursday of the month.
“I grew up in small towns and have lived in bigger cities,” Bott said. “I prefer the expectation of being polite and respectful. Small towns have more traditional values that stand the test of time. I like going places and running into people you may know—it’s comforting…I’m that annoying person on the street asking if I can pet someone’s dog.”
Said Pearson, “yes, people come into our office and sometimes bring their dogs.”
Sounds as if Bott will fit right in.