All About Town

We have a lot going on in Middleburg with the fall season ahead. Changes can be found everywhere as our town continues to flourish. ML wants to take a moment to thank and welcome some new and long-time residents for their contributions and to make mention of some of the exciting happenings in our community.
Betsy Davis has decided after her long and dedicated years of service to retire as mayor of Middleburg. The election next May will decide her successor; in the meantime, she continues to work tirelessly on our behalf. She will be honored as one of the two newest Loudoun Laureates at the Loudoun Laurels Gala at the Belmont Country Club on September 29th. Her passionate contributions related to fire and rescue work as well as with numerous nonprofit organizations have made a lasting impact on our community. We hope she feels the heartfelt appreciation of all of us!
Cindy Pearson is retiring from her 11-year tenure with the Middleburg Town office as Economic Development Coordinator at the end of September. You can read all about Cindy and her future plans in our Meet Middleburg article. Thank you, Cindy!
Jamie Gaucher is the new Business & Economic Development Director for the Town of Middleburg. He is listening and learning to understand the specific needs of our town, and he brings a wealth of experience from his prior endeavors to spark “smart” business promotion while preserving the historical charm and presence of Middleburg. Find out more about his ideas and background in our article in this month’s edition.
The United Methodist Church in the heart of Middleburg on Washington Street is nearing completion of its steeple repair and restoration project that began last February. It has been a long and challenging process, but we’re happy to see it coming to a successful conclusion. Many hands have been involved in the process, and there is still a need to raise significant funds to cover the cost. You can read more about them in our online article provided by Linda Taylor and find out how you might help them reach their goals for this historic landmark in our community.
Middleburg’s Police Department has been undergoing changes as well. July and August saw the retirement of Police Lieutenant Charles M. (Mike) Prince after nearly a decade of outstanding service to the town and the Oath of Honor ceremony for the town’s newest full-time police officer, Jason Davis. Police Chief Panebianco conducted the service in front of Jason’s family, friends and the community on August 10th. We are grateful for the dedication of our fine Police Department to keep our town safe, clean and functioning smoothly.
Mt. Defiance Cidery & Distillery’s new location on the hillside before entering the town proper is looking set to open soon. Marc Chretien will be happy to share the story of the sculpture set on the front patio or to talk about the woodworking and creative thought that went into the beautiful structure.
King St. Oyster Bar’s expansion to Middleburg from their location in Leesburg also will be completed soon. We’re all looking forward to this latest offering to our foodie culture opening and adding to our business community.
Stress Killer, a product developed by the D’Andrea Brothers, Christian, Mark and Paul, along with their business partner, Aleco Bravo-Greenberg, is a powder that dissolves in water and improves focus and mood. Recently picked up by GNC and a large national drug chain, the supplement has just been named a finalist for Best New Product in the Brain Health category! You can visit to learn more. I found mine at The Fun Shop in town.
Salamander Resort & Spa just celebrated its four-year anniversary and is looking ahead to starting construction on 49 new homes on its property that have been approved as part of its development plan. Bringing impeccable services and warm hospitality to all it undertakes, Salamander continues to be a very welcome and important part of our community.
John Rolfe Gardiner, a well-known writer who lives in Unison, has just self-published his new novel, “Newport Rising.” The book is set in pre-revolutionary Newport, Rhode Island, where American civil society and religious freedoms were developing alongside the darker presence of the slave trade. Even though he’s 80 years young, he’s looking forward to his next literary endeavor.
In addition to the above, check out our Calendar of Events full of great activities for the month of September. And, get ready for the Middleburg Film Festival coming up in October and the start of the Hunt Season. ML