Biking Across Virginia To Raise Awareness Of Parkinson’s Disease

Teresa Jackson of Frederick County rode 300 miles with her son, Lincoln, during the Ride Across Virginia cycling event and raised more than $20,000. Her ultimate goal is to reach $25,000 for the Parkinson’s Foundation and increase awareness of Parkinson’s disease.
The five-day ride started in South Hill. She went through the Middleburg area on April 25 and ended the trip in Winchester.
This ride would have been a challenge for anyone who wasn’t already an avid cyclist, but for Jackson, 58, it was even tougher because she also suffers from Parkinson’s disease.
If you would like to contribute to her fundraising efforts visit
For more information, go online to the Parkinson’s Foundation at If you have questions or need support for Parkinson’s disease, call 800/4PD-INFO (800/473-4636) or email [email protected]. You can also join the Parkinson’s Foundation online community, a place to connect with others living with PD at