On The Cover: Side Saddle in 2017

Photos by Middleburg Photo
When Maggie Johnston and Devon Zebrovious aren’t traveling the world jumping coops and fences, they’re busily working with their recently formed Side Saddle Chase Foundation (SSCF), organizing upcoming races, workshops and clinics to promote the discipline of riding aside.

SSCF is involved in the following race dates for 2017:
Mrs. E. Miles Valentine Memorial Race – Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds Point to Point
Sunday, March 26 – Plantation Field, Unionville, PA
Jumping Race – Race I of the OVS | Oehme, van Sweden Perpetual Trophy Series
SSCF Loudoun Race Assessment
Saturday, April 8 – Middleburg, VA
(inclement weather date April 9)
SSCF Benefit Wine Tasting Event
Sunday, April 9 – Greenhill Winery, Middleburg, VA
Mrs. George C. Everhart Memorial Race – Loudoun Point-to-Point
Sunday, April 16 – Oatlands Historic House, Leesburg, VA
Jumping and Flat Races – Race II of the OVS | Oehme, van Sweden Perpetual Trophy Series
Willowdale Steeplechase
Sunday, May 14 – Kennett Square, PA
Jumping Race
Potomac Hunt Races
Sunday, May 21 – Poolesville, MD
Flat Race – Race III of the OVS | Oehme, van Sweden Perpetual Trophy Series
2nd Annual Hunting Aside Clinic and Side Saddle Hunt
September – Middleburg, VA
SSCF Hunting Weekend and 2017 Awards Presentation & Reception
Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 13-14, 2018 – Middleburg, VA

The Side Saddle Chase Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of creating and administering educational programs and events for all levels of amateur equestrians which promote the discipline of riding aside, with the goal of fostering and supporting traditional relationships between foxchasing and steeplechasing and the need to preserve and promote land conservation. Membership is open to riders and horses in the United States and around the world. ML
Visit sidesaddlechase.com for more information on attending these events.