Exquisite Easter Eggs & a Cozy Spring Spread

Written and Styled by Chelsea Rose Moore | Photos by Joffoto
“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”
“It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine,” Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote in “The Secret Garden.”

Spring has always been one of my favorite seasons. As the earth wakes from its winter slumber, there is a sense of hope and purpose that illuminates the world. Spring celebrates fresh starts and new life, growth and optimism.
This year, take the changing season as an opportunity to slow down and enjoy simply being more present.

Choose to celebrate the simple pleasures: the giggle of a baby; the trot of your horse; the small hand of your niece placed inside yours as you put on your wellies and head outside for a walk; the spring rain against your window pane; the lingering evening light. Revel in it. Soak it up.
Enjoy every moment of this beautiful, wonderful season.
Step outside on a chilly spring morning and breathe deeply, celebrating what it is to be alive. Warm your hands on the outside of your cup of tea and enjoy the freshly picked flowers brightening up your dining room table, reminding you that life is always renewed. As you butter a slice of your homemade Irish soda bread, invite family and friends over for a natural egg-dyeing party.

Natural Egg Dyeing Instructions
Boil eggs in water with a few drops of vinegar and one of the following ingredients. Let simmer for 15-30 minutes, depending on the desired intensity of your shade. Once the eggs have reached your preferred color, let them cool to room temperature.
Green — spinach
Yellow — turmeric
Dark Purple/Black — grape juice
Pink — shredded beets
Blue — blueberries or red cabbage

Experiment with various spices, vegetables and fruits for differing colors. Consider steeping eggs in tea to dye as well — black tea makes a beautiful dark brown and green tea turns eggs a lovely yellow. Don’t hesitate to experiment with brown eggs too, as they can also be dyed beautiful shades. For more variety, use different types of eggs: quail, goose or ostrich. ML