Happy Holidays from Middleburg Life

Dear Readers, Advertisers, Friends, and Family,
As we reflect on 2024, we at Middleburg Life have so much to be grateful for — and our subscribers, advertisers, and contributors are always at the top of that list. We could not do what we do each month without the support of the community, our readers near and far, our advertising partners throughout Hunt Country, and our wonderful team of writers and photographers who choose to share their talents with our publication.
Over the past year, our small but productive team has made great strides in the growth of the magazine with more planned for 2025, all to better highlight our small town.
Earlier this year, we relaunched MiddleburgLife.com to offer additional opportunities for advertising, community announcements, original storytelling, calendar of events listings, and our “Scenes From” social pages. Our formula of hyper-local stories has resulted in broader appeal and expanded visibility across the nation and the world, with notable spikes in readership in the UK, Australia, Ireland, and Canada, resulting in tens of thousands of page views per month.
Closer to home, we have expanded our print distribution to keep up with demand. To address the constant and welcome refrain of “Where can I find a copy?” we’ve increased our print order by at least 500 additional issues a month in the fourth quarter, as well as the frequency and reach of our distribution.
The mission of Middleburg Life has always been to share the fascinating local stories that make Middleburg and Hunt Country such a unique place to visit, live, shop, stay, dine, and drink!
As we continue in this mission for 2025, we encourage you — our readers, our partners, our friends and family — to share your feedback, pitch your stories, send your photos, and let us know how we can better serve you. We look forward to the opportunity to work together in the next year and beyond.
Until then, from all of us at Middleburg Life, we wish you a very happy holiday and a prosperous New Year.
David Greenhill, Kaitlin Hill, Susan Stark, Vicky Mashaw, Jennifer Richards, Joanne Maisano, and Andrea Ryder
Photo by Gracie Savage.
Published in the December 2024 issue of Middleburg Life.