January Pet of the month

Jeffrey – American Guinea Hog
Middleburg Humane Foundation
Age and Size
10 months old and 45-50 slim pounds
Mr. Jeffrey, Jeff-Jeff
Describe yourself in three words
Charismatic, friendly, charming
What’s your story?
I’m a rare breed of pig, similar to a pot-bellied pig. I was bred to forage and seek out my own food and I grow slowly, so I’m perfect for a well-fenced pasture instead of small confinement. I can get as large as 85-100 pounds when I mature.
Who’s your favorite person?
I’m a ladies’ man. I can’t choose just one animal care giver. I have to spread the love.
What do you like about MHF?
I love the special back rubs, did I mention playing with TOYS? Playing in a baby pool in the summer is the best. I’m used to living outside with my other pig buddies and enjoy playing with lots of toys!
Do you have a party trick?
Belly flops in my pool. No one does it better than a pig.
What is your best feature?
People tell me it’s my twinkling eyes and adorable Mona Lisa-like smile that I have. But I’m not all good looks alone. I’m super smart!
Do you follow a special diet?
I do! I rely on my caregivers to have portion control because I will not stop eating and become obese. I love good quality, first- and second-cutting hay and lots of vegetables
and fruits.
If you had one wish, what would it be?
To find a home with a family who will love me for me. I don’t want to be forgotten outside. I want a nice warm home to keep the chill out during the winter and a shady spot in the summer. I want to play and be a true part of a family. Having a friend to keep me company would be extra nice. ML
Jeffrey is a very charming American Guinea Hog (credit Chris Weber Studios). Courtesy of Melanie Burch, Director of Development
Middleburg Humane Foundation operates a private, non-profit, 4.5-acre farm shelter located in Marshall, Virginia. It is their goal to provide a safe haven for abused, neglected, and “at risk” animals, both large and small.