Letter from the New Editor

Dear Middleburg Community,
I am honored to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief of Middleburg Life. As a contributing writer for nearly five years, I have had the opportunity to get to know many of you, resulting in 100 articles for the magazine as of this issue.
Over those five years, I would often end interviews with the phrase, “It’s your story, and I am grateful I get to tell it.” More than a sign-off, it is a commitment to share the stories of our small town authentically and meaningfully, shedding light on the people, places, and traditions that make Middleburg, Middleburg.
In my new role, part of that brief is finding different and better ways to connect your stories with our readers. While continuing the level of excellence our print magazine is known for, my plan is to expand our digital presence, providing a platform to share more of the Middleburg and Hunt Country narrative. While this will broaden the visibility of our content, sending it further into Virginia and beyond, my editorial focus will always remain close to home.
As you read January’s publication, my first issue, I hope you will see familiar faces, learn something interesting about the community, and maybe meet someone new who has always been nearby.
And as I settle in, my greatest hope is that you will come to me to celebrate something in the magazine you like or suggest something we can do better. My door — albeit figurative — is always open, and I welcome the opportunity to connect with you.
Finally, I would like to thank David Greenhill and Christian Bentley for offering me the opportunity to do what I love in an official capacity. The support of the Middleburg Life staff, the contributors, and the community has been a huge encouragement. I am very proud to work with this team in this town towards our common goals for the publication.
Kaitlin Hill

Published in the January 2022 issue of Middleburg Life.