Micronutrition Conferences for Digestive Health set for September 25 & 28

Steiner Labs LLC, a new health-focused Middleburg start-up, hopes to start the discussion on the benefits of a healthy digestive system at their upcoming Micronutrition Conferences for Digestive Health this week.
A Single fulfilling day of information in an outdoor setting is planned and attendees can choose from two dates (Sept. 25 or Sept. 28) at sign up.
“The conference will focus on Lyme disease and gut-health connection, and will present cutting-edge research on these topics as well as the intestinal microbiome and leaky gut syndrome.” said Graziella Chivallier, co-founder of Steiner Labs. A certified nutritionist and lifestyle coach, Chivallier said she travelled across the globe to look for new ways to empower patients through education and knowledge. It was while traveling that she met Eric Steiner at a course at the Medical University of Paris Descartes.

In 2018, the two founded Steiner Labs. A French medical doctor, Steiner recently learned about micro-nutrition. Expanding his knowledge on this topic motivated him to implement this innovative approach to health in his hometown here in Virginia. Steiner first wanted to innovate in the food tech industry but quickly realized the world was evolving and chose instead to develop a company focusing on health through food and technology.
This event is the first of its kind in the area, showcasing internationally renowned experts in micronutrition. “We aim to support health care professionals in their practice integrating high-quality products, management guidelines and protocols to best achieve long-lasting health in patients,” Chivallier said. “ we are committed to empower people in their health quest by supporting them with innovative micronutrients that we provide through our top-of-the-range supplements.”
Steiner Labs owners believe issues such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, even mental health issues can be managed through better gut health. They are the exclusive distributor of PhytoQuant in the United States. Based in Monaco, PhytoQuant products are composed of high quality, pure and traceable ingredients. To learn more about the conference, visit the website: www.steinerlabsevent.com or email [email protected]. ML
This article first appeared in the September 2019 issue of Middleburg Life.