Middleburg Concert Series presents famed singing group The Yale Whiffenpoofs

CONTACT: Yvonne Herbst
Phone: (540) 729-4076

On Sunday, March 20th the Middleburg Concert Series will bring the renowned a capella group The Yale Whiffenpoofs to town for a concert at Salamander Resort and Spa.
The 14-member group of Yale seniors is the oldest and best known collegiate a capella group in existence. Each year members of the group are selected from all the undergraduate singing groups at Yale, to spend an extra year touring the US and abroad.
The “Whiffs” will present a varied repertoire of old favorite songs and contemporary hits, interspersed with youthful humor. Their concerts traditionally end with their signature “Whiffenpoof Song” which is a famous expression of nostalgia for the college fraternal experience.
Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite.com or at the door, capacity permitting. Under 12 are free. All State of Virginia Covid rules will be respected. The performers are vaccinated and tested before the event. The audience is required to wear masks and must present proof of vaccination.
The Middleburg Concert Series wishes to thank Salamander Resort and Spa for their generous sponsorship of this event.
The Middleburg Concert Series resumes on May 20-22nd with the Hunt Country Music Festival. For more information, visit www. Middleburgconcerts.com or email [email protected]. Sponsorship opportunities to support the Whiffenpoofs concert and the Hunt Country Music Festival are available by inquiring at [email protected]