Middleburg Holiday Gift Guide

Give someone a taste of Middleburg’s wine country with a holiday gift. From local wine and art to a good meal or a silk scarf… here are some gift ideas for all right in our back yard!
Check out offerings from local retailers such as:
Popcorn Monkey www.popcornmonkeyllc.com
The Tack Box Inc. www.thetackboxinc.com
Kizmetz www.kizmetz.com
Moda Lookbook modalookbook.com
Salamander Resort & Spa www.salamanderresort.com/#gift-cards
Nature Composed www.naturecomposed.com
King Street Oyster Bar www.kingstreetoysterbar.com
Chrysalis Vineyards www.ChrysalisVineyards.com
The Byrne Galler www.byrnegallery.com
Creme De La Creme www.shopcremedelacreme.com
Lou Lou Boutiques www.loulouboutiques.com
Zest Clothing & Co. www.zestclothingandco.com
The Fun Shop www.thefunshop.com
Le Boudoir www.leboudoirfits.com
The Red Fox www.redfox.com
Tryst Gallery www.trystgallery.com