Middleburg Humane Foundation’s Good Friends for a Good Cause Estate Dinners

By Elaine Anne Watt
Inviting people to an intimate dinner at your home featuring deliciously prepared food and for a beloved cause in our community is the perfect mix for a successful evening. And so it was on Saturday night, January 20th, as ten host homes opened their doors to tables for ten on behalf of the Middleburg Humane Foundation.

I had the opportunity to join Josh Muss and Bibi de Heller at their lovely home, along with their two canine members of the family. Over lots of laughs, new and old friends relaxed in the welcoming atmosphere in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace.
Joanne Maisano visited Jill Davis’ beautiful home, where her dog Cooper held court as the host. She then joined in the festivities at the home of Roma and John Sherman, the original owners of the Ashby Inn, where Roma was the chef for many years.

Melanie Burch, Director of Development for MHF, attended Michael and Lee McGettigan’s gathering at their historic home, Delacarlia. Guests enjoyed fabulous food in the original dining room of the home over engaging and lively conversation.
“What a lovely dinner party,” said Louisa Woodville. “I had such fun with all the guests, in addition to meeting new people I hope to see again. And the food, yikes! Delicious. The McGettigans set the bar high!”

Other hosts included Lisa and Marvin Jawer, Ms. Jean Perin, Nicky Perry and Andrew Stiffler, Laura “Loki” Van Roijen, Deborah and James Mill and Virginia Jenkins.

Participants traveled from as far as D.C. to attend, and it’s easy to see why this annual event is so successful. The Middleburg Humane Foundation is grateful for the many ways their work is furthered by the generosity of the hosts and their guests. If you would like to receive an invitation to next year’s event, please contact [email protected]. ML