Opening Hunt Scenes

Photographed by Joanne Maisano
*These photos were all taken prior to the new restrictions released in November for COVID-19.
Blue Ridge met at Long Branch on Oct. 31. Due to COVID-19, the hunt will not be having their annual Thanksgiving meet.
Above: Huntsman Graham Buston with hounds and whips, Denya Dee Leakes, Sheri Buston, and Ross Salter.
MFH-Jeff Lehew with daughter Lindsay followed by the rest of the first flight.
Graham taking the hounds around the front of historic Long Branch.
Orange County Hounds met at Meredyth Farm on Nov. 7.
Jt-MFH Malcolm Matheson and Nancy West.
Huntsman Reg Spreadborough and hounds.
Snickersville Hounds met at MFH-Gregg Ryan’s Creekside on Nov. 8.
Huntsman/Master Eva Smithwick.
Maureen Brittell.
John Ryan, MFH Gregg Ryan’s son.
Piedmont Fox Hounds met at Oakley on Nov. 5.
Huntsman Jordan Hicks with Jt-MFH Tad Zimmerman, Shelby Bonnie, and Gregg Ryan following behind.
Mo Baptiste jumping the historic stone walls of Rokeby Lane.
The side saddle ladies.
Published in the December 2020 issue of Middleburg Life.