Showing their true colors

The 45th Annual Virginia Scottish Games & Festival took over Great Meadow on Labor Day weekend with athletes and spectators traveling miles to show their colors. Frank McConnell, president of the Virginia Scottish Games Association, his staff and dozens of volunteers, welcomed thousands of people from across the region to the two-day event.

Many families in this area can trace their heritage directly to Scotland and Ireland.
In the 1700s, immigrants came to the shores of Virginia, then moved westward, settling in the areas that make up present-day western Virginia, West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, and northern Kentucky.
The event featured the Highland Athletic Competition, a British car and motorcycle show, Clans tents, a fiddle competition, Highland dance, six living history encampments, piping and drumming demonstrations, food, whiskey tasting, and Celtic music.
On the athletic field, trophies were awarded in the following categories: Braemar Stone Toss, Open Stone Toss, Heavy Weight Toss, Light Weight Toss, Heavy Hammer Throw, Caber Toss, Sheaf Toss, and the Weight Over Bar. The event also included a Wounded Warrior competition.

Photos by Kristin Bishop
This article first appeared in the October 2018 issue.