Spring Races: Getting Ready to Run

Photos by Joanne Maisano
The excitement is in the air once again as the Spring Race season is about to begin. Our area is blessed with amazing locations and strong traditions that will delight you as you come out to watch, perhaps plan a tailgate party and enjoy our legendary sport.

We’re recapping the event schedule here for you, but please do visit their websites for all the details on tickets, parking and other options for your day or days at the races!

Warrenton Hunt Point to Point on March 17; Piedmont Fox Hounds Point to Point on March 24; Orange County Hounds Point to Point on April 1; Old Dominion Hounds Point to Point on April 7; Loudoun Hunt Point to Point on April 15; Middleburg Spring Race Meet on April 21; Blue Ridge Hunt Point to Point on April 22; Foxfield Spring Race Meet on April 29, and the Virginia Gold Cup Race Meet on May 5.
See you there! ML