The 12 dogs of Christmas

Photos by Joanne Maisano

Consider giving a rescue a forever home this holiday season.

“While the holidays are joyous and celebratory for so many of us, there are those that struggle to find homes and left to fend for themselves during the holiday; they just happen to be four-legged and have fur,” says PetConnect Rescue Director Matt Thorn.

“Even if you aren’t considering a pet, think about making a donation to help those who are looking for their forever home this holiday season,” suggests Thorn. Learn more about PetConnect Rescue at

Located in Marshall, the Washington Area Animal Adoption Group (WAAAG) is a veteran founded, all volunteer, 501(c)(3) animal rescue organization. “We treat the animals in our care like soldiers coming home from a war. Each one has a story, and we give them time and space to heal and prepare for their forever home,” says WAAAG Founder Angie Roeder. Visit them at

Each year, Operation Paws for Homes (OPH) finds loving homes for 1,300 deserving dogs and cats. Aunt Bea may be there waiting for you. To learn more about OPH, contact

The Middleburg Humane Foundation (MHF) in Marshall is working on its goal of getting 25 cats or dogs out of the shelter and into foster homes for the holidays before January 10. The shelter provides all necessary items for the animal during their time in foster care and families provide the love. Learn more about the fostering program or apply at

If you have the room in your home and in your heart, go meet our 12 Dogs of Christmas or their friends at one of these organizations. Happy Holidays. ML

This article first appeared in the December 2019 issue of Middleburg Life. 

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