Wakefield Student Submits Winning Artwork

For the second year in a row, Wakefield School has an award winning student artist featured in the prestigious Southern Teachers’ calendar contest. Southern Teachers, located in Charlottesville, VA, is the oldest premiere placement agency for private and independent schools across the South.
The Southern Teachers Agency Academic Calendar features students’ artwork, which, “focus on a distinctive, recognizable feature of a campus building or structure of the school attended by the artist.” Twelve pictures were chosen for publication in the art calendar and on their website. A work by Chloe Osborn, a sophomore from Wakefield, was among them.

Chloe Osborn’s watercolor, Senior Chairs, was chosen from hundreds of entries coming from states as far north as Pennsylvania and as far west as Texas. She was one of two students selected from Virginia. Anyone familiar with Wakefield knows that the Adirondack chairs, traditionally enjoyed by seniors in their garden, and the view of the mountains in the background of her piece are a classic element of the school’s picturesque campus. Chloe chose the location to paint because she felt it best represented the distinct beauty of the Wakefield’s campus.
Chloe, under the guidance of art teacher and local painter, Teresa Duke, completed her watercolor in her Studio Art I class. This was the first major art piece she has painted with watercolor. Chloe wanted to try a new medium she was unfamiliar with. In addition to being published in the calendar, Chloe was also awarded a certificate of commendation and a $50.00 gift certificate from Blick Art Materials. She plans to buy plenty of tubes of watercolor to paint more masterpieces.
Calendars will be distributed to the winning recipients and to over 2,000 schools early this summer.