Winter Hunt Gatherings Fun & Festive

Beginning on Saturday, November 19th and then again on Saturday, December 16th, Dr. Betsee Parker hosted first the Piedmont Fox Hounds and then the Middleburg Hunt at her historic estate, Huntland. In keeping with age-old tradition, the Hunts gathered in front of the kennels to raise their Stirrup Cups prior to each Hunt.
On December 9th, the first of the year’s snowy days, the Blue Ridge Hunt met at Ted and Sandra Guarriello’s Fox Springwoods Farm. After a brief but exhilarating 1 ½ hours out in the cold, the Hunt returned to be treated to a sumptuous Hunt Breakfast, allowing plenty of time to linger over good food with great friends.
Then on December 23rd, the Blue Ridge Hunt held their Annual Junior Day.
We hope you enjoy these pictures captured by Joanne Maisano! ML